Trash Diary – 1/1/11

What did I throw away on the first day of 2011?

new sponge wrapper (old sponge kept, for now)
4 keruig k-cups
handful of tissues
foam from nook cover packaging
egg shell
fruit that was starting to go bad
single serve yogurt container
several paper towels

nook cover packaging (durable plastic bag, saved for later; paper board instructions, recycled)
alum foil pie tray (rinsed it off first)
paper board box and paper wrapping (food box)
yogurt container box (six single-serve containers in a cardboard box, good deal)
yogurt container foil top

nothing today

About Amy Marpman

Director of Recycling Services at Great Forest, Inc. in NYC. Continually finding the balance of idealism with the practical realities that make or break recycling programs.
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